Premium Network Sponsor
Receive a permanent featured link in a single category on each directory in our network with random appearances within each home page for life. You will also receive a permanent link on the homepage under the heading "Network Sponsors" across our network for one year, plus text ads in our confirmation emails again for the duration of one year.
Basic Network Sponsor
Receive a permanent featured link in a single category on each directory in our network with random appearances within each home page for life. You will also receive a permanent link on the homepage under the heading "Network Sponsors" across our network for one year.
Premium Site Sponsor
Receive a permanent featured link in a single category with random appearances within the home page for life, also includes a link on the homepage under the heading "Site Sponsors" on the directory of your choice for one year, plus text ads in our confirmation emails for the same directory again for the duration of one year.
Basic Site Sponsor
Receive a permanent featured link in a single category with random appearances within the home page for life, also includes a link on the homepage under the heading "Site Sponsors" on the directory of your choice for one year.
Featured Listing (permanent)
Receive a permanent featured link in a single category with random appearances within the home page on the directory of your choice for life.
Featured Listing (1 Year)
Receive a featured link in a single category with random appearances within the home page on the directory of your choice for the duration of one year, after which it will revert to a regular link unless subscription is renewed.
Express Listing (24 hour review)
Receive a permanent regular link for life in a single category on the directory of your choice approved within 24 hours.
Regular Listing
Receive a permanent regular link for life in a single category on the directory of your choice.
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